Home Energy Saving Ideas

Home energy saving ideas are the perfect way to make your renewable energy option all that more efficient.  If you are using less electricity, that makes it easier to produce enough for your home.  No electric bill... that sounds good, doesn't it?

You don't need to live in the stone age to make your home more energy efficient.

1.  In the winter turn your thermostat down.  In the summer turn it up.  You will save approximately 1% for every degree.  That adds up quickly.  You can easily increase or decrease it more at night for even more savings.  Installing a programmable thermostat will pay for itself in a year.

2.  Seal those cracks.  Air leaks around windows, doors and electrical outlets.  Just by sealing them well, you will have a big savings.  Insulate your attic, ceiling and walls if they aren't already properly insulated.

3.  Turn out lights in rooms that aren't being used.  Also be sure to purchase compact fluorescent light bulbs.  They use less electricity and light just as well.

4.  Unplug items when not in use, as they continue to use electricity.  Put your computer to sleep when not in use.

5.  Always make sure to have full loads for the washer, dryer and dishwasher.  Be sure to empty the lint screen after each load, better yet, dry clothes outside on nice days.

6.  Lower your electric water heater to 120 degrees.  You can also place a programmable thermostat on your hot water heater.  This way you will have hot water when you need it but, you won't be paying for it when you don't.

7.  Install a low flow shower head.  You will use less hot water.

8.  Air dry dishes instead of using the heated dry cycle.  Simply open the dishwasher after done rinsing.

9.  Wash clothes in cold or warm water when ever possible.

10.  When purchasing new appliances, compare models and purchase Energy Star rated models.

These are all simple, yet highly effective ways to reduce your energy use in your home.  After making your own solar panels and wind mill, you may find that you are able to eliminate the electric company entirely!